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In Paratext 8.0, a project created in an earlier version of Paratext must be migrated in Paratext 8.0 in order to open or Send/Receive the project in Paratext 8.0.

:checkicon: Only project administrators and consultants can migrate a project.

A shared project must be registered before it can be migrated. Register and migrate a shared project by:

  • Selecting the shared project from Send/Receive Projects (on the File menu)
  • Selecting the shared project from Open Project/Resource (on the File menu)

A non-shared project can be migrated by selecting the project from Open Project/Resource (on the File menu). A non-shared project can be registered at the same time it is migrated, registered later, or not registered at all.

In the process of migrating projects, colored banners or ribbons might appear.

  • Green banners and ribbons report success.
  • Orange banners and ribbons give information or warnings.
  • Pink banners and ribbons tell of items that need attention.

:informationicon: See also:

Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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