That’s great that this has been solved. Can someone clarify, however, what resources those are exactly? When I download/install resources, I don’t see an SDBG or SDBH file in the list in Paratext.
I also tried a little experiment… I closed Paratext and moved those two files (SDBx.mdv1z) to a different place, then opened Paratext. It gave me this message:
image698×228 60.7 KB
For those that don’t speak French… It says I can’t use Enhanced Resources until I get these two files, and tells me to go to Download/Install to get them, clicking on the “Update” button to get all updates. (The enhanced resource window shows up with an error at this point, and doesn’t display anything.)
I followed these instructions, but found the User Interface to be a bit clunky. Those two items, the Semantic Dictionary something, are not even on the list. Initially, no items are selected, and the Download/Install button is not active. But all of the enhanced resources say “Update”. If I check anything on the list, (even if I didn’t check any of the enhanced resources,) it will download those two Semantic dictionaries. Then, if I restart Paratext, my enhanced resources will work again.
So Paratext seems to be using the Download/Install resource dialog to download things that are hidden if they are missing. That seems a little weird. I assume those files would normally be installed/updated with Paratext updates, but if somehow they go missing, this is a mechanism to get them back.
I would think it would be better, if those files are missing or need an update, to temporarily add them to the list of things that you can download (and NOT mark all of the enhanced resources as having an “Update”). Then the user can actually see what Paratext is intending to download and how big they are.
@John+Wickberg The Download/Install Resources dialog already has “Images and maps” to support the enhanced resources. Wouldn’t it be better to make the Semantic Dictionaries the same sort of thing, where they show up in the list of items that can be installed and updated? Then Paratext won’t be downloading resources that you aren’t expecting. Maybe you would want (exceptionally) to not be able to Remove/Uninstall that resource, and maybe as mentioned above they would only show up in the list when they are missing or there is an update. Anyway, some food for thought.