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A PT8 user is saying that “Find In Dictionary” is not finding the word, but it did in PT7 with the same Flex project.

Are there any known issues? Does this require a specific version of Flex for PT8?


Paratext by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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When the users goes to Project > Project Properties and Settings > Associations does the FLEX project show up linked (with no warnings). One of the issues with PT8 is that the languages need to match for PT and FLEx.

by (8.4k points)

The issue that anon848905 brings up is the most likely problem i.e. mismatch in language names. During migration if you clicked on the advanced tab and filled in a variant name or other script, then the language name was changed in Paratext and would no longer match to the one used in Fieldworks. Sometimes it is important to add the variant information during migration so that the project is accurately represented in the DBL. You just have to update the language name in Fieldworks after Paratext 8 migration.

I will check that as soon as I can meet with user. Thanks,

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