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I recently installed KTOT dictionary manually according to installation instructions, adding the .p8z and the configuration file to /My Paratext 8 Projects/_Dictionaries/ folder. Didn’t remove anything from the _Dictionaries folder. KTOT works ok, but I run into new problem: THLOT Dictionary does not appear anymore in the Dictionary list when I right click a Hebrew word in the Source Language window and choose the lemma of the word, although it is available in Dictionaries through ‘Open’ in main Menu. I can see it also under my Logos resources in the right-click menu, but not anymore as part of the Paratext Dictionaries shown in the menu.

Is there a way to get THLOT back to the right-click menu as it is important tool used daily basis in our project? (I use PT9 in my PC laptop, andh ave checked also PT8 but it does not appear there in the right-click menu either).

Paratext by (109 points)

3 Answers

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I just tried copying the KTOTSLD.p8z file into C:\My Paratext 8 Projects_Dictionaries and now THLOT no longer appears on the right click menu of the Source Language Tools. This is a bug. Please go to Help–>Give feedback and report the problem.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

Any progress on this? I have another user that misses this resource dearly, as it’s the only one that has French definitions.

by (1.3k points)
0 votes

Haven’t heard anything. Perhaps when a resource like KTOT is officially included in some update this problem/conflict would be solved?

by (109 points)

It is still not included in the Paratext installer. You have to download it and copy it to the appropriate folder. Here is the announcement from SIL Translation department. https://mailchi.mp/96c0e37dd0e4/release-announcement-key-terms-of-the-old-testament-ktot?e=d2328fd499

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