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For some reason (separate problem, but let’s not get into it here) in my version of a project I can see 55 notes assigned to a particular user, but on his end he can only see 5. I have printed the filtered list and sent it to him, but it would be easier for him if I could just print/export a list of references, rather than the entire contents of the notes. Is there any way to do that?

I reaIise could copy all notes to a word document and manually delete everything except the references, but that’s 94 pages of text and is not worth the effort!

Thanks for your help,

Paratext by (130 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Hi Lizzie,
I also could not find a good way to do what you’re looking for. It would be nice if there was a ‘Copy References’ option like there is in a standard list.

But I did find a silly way to do it. In the notes menu, I unchecked ‘Edit notes in window’. Then I used Ctrl+A to select everything in the notes window, copied that and pasted it into a Word doc. Then I did an advanced search and went to find-replace. In the find box I used the Format>Font button and chose to find only font which was not underlined. In the replace box, I left that empty. So I basically deleted everything that was not underlined, which left only the references and a couple of other little things.

As anon848905 said, I would still be interested in figuring out why you’re seeing a different number of assigned notes than the user. Even if it seems like the result of a bug, it would be nice to sort out whether it is one of the simpler things (different filters, not having send/received), or if it is something more complex (all notes from a certain user missing, all notes before a certain date missing, etc). If they aren’t seeing the right notes this time, who knows what other notes they’re not seeing. Feel free to message me if you feel like looking into that more.

by (1.2k points)

That is definitely a less-than-ideal way of doing it! I too was hoping for something like ‘Copy References’. Probably not a high priority but might be nice in a future version.

I’ll contact you separately about following up on the issue.

0 votes

Lizzie - no, it is not possible to generate just a list of the references for the notes. If you can see more notes than the other user you should check to make sure that all of the filters are set exactly the same.

by (8.5k points)

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