0 votes
The book of Acts was checked by one of our translators. He placed a  lot of notes for spelling issues and then for all the instances where this word occured. Since we translated Acts back in 2004, we decided on double vowels for the verb to say for instance. This means that now all the occurrences of the word 'say' in Acts have a flag... :-( . We have done a find and replace and made his spelling correction everywhere, but now we still have to go through the text and tediously open all the notes to resolve them. I am wondering if there is a quicker way to do this? Just hoovering over it is enough for me to know that I can resolve it, it would be nice if a right click or so would resolve it.
Paratext by (106 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
One way to resolve notes quickly is to open the notes list for the project (Menu > Notes List) and then expand the notes so that you can see the resolve button. You can go down the list and click resolve. Note that Paratext continues to show the last resolved note until the list is refreshed. There are a number of videos available on how to work with the notes:

by (8.4k points)
Thank you for this. That does help a bit as it saves me the click to say 'yes, I want to save my previous edit' but I still need to click to expand the note. It still gets me out of the flow of the text, so still hoping for that someone will one day find a way to resolve with a right click or something like that. But for now, thank you as this solution does save me some time. :-)
If I recall, there is an expand-all button at the top of the Notes List window - that will at least save you a click per note.
This is very helpful! Exactly what I needed. Thank you!

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