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A user asked whether the key terms and other vocab from a PT project can be used to populate a FLEx database directly.

I can imagine doing this from the FLEx side by associating the FLEx project with the PT project. Then you can use FLEx to interlinearize material from the PT project and add lexical items as you analyze the text. That is kind of roundabout, but should work fine.

What about going straight from the Biblical Terms tool? Is there a way to import those vernacular forms, with or without glosses into the FLEx project?

Paratext by (166 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The utility on Lingtran.net called ExtractParatextInterlinear2SFM.exe. Can be used to create an SFM file of the words in the Paratext project. It would work best if the vernacular words have been broken into morphemes in the word list too, then Paratext Interlinearizer has been used to gloss the stems, and affixes. Kent Schroeder is working on a more refined tool right now, if someone is willing be a Beta tester. Both of these utilities work on the file “lexicon.xml” that Paratext creates for each project. I have not tried either utility on the file Biblicaltermsxyz.xml that Paratext uses to store the Biblical terms information. One of these utilities might work, or we can ask Kent if he could add the ability
to convert the Biblicaltermsxyz.xml file to his utility.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

The “Translation Suggestions” button in the Biblical terms tool window will look up words in the associated FLEx database that share a semantic domain with the Hebrew or Greek word the user is working with. I will make a feature request that the rendering can be looked up in the associated FLEx database, and be able to add that rendering to the FLEx database if it is not there. If others would like to be able to do these two things from the Biblcial terms tool, then maybe you all could submit a request.

I want to point out that it is already possible to look up the meanings of vernacular words, and add new entries in the vernacular project in FLEx while in ParaTExt’s main editing window. This would be one way to look up or add Biblical terms to FLEx but it would mean flipping back and forth between the Biblical terms tool and the main editing window.

For more information about the capabilities for using a FLEx database associated with a ParaTExt project see the tutorial on Lingtran.net:

Yes. We would like to make that request. How to I register that with the developers?

The easiest way is to click on Help > Make a Suggestion inside Paratext.

Note that there is no guarantee that it will get done in a specific time frame or even that it will get done at all. :neutral_face:

Make suggestions for changes to ParaTExt from the Help menu in ParaTExt:

anon044949 S.
Dallas, TX

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It is also possible to harvest one word at time from the main editing window in ParaTExt. It is more labor intensive but works very well. See the following tutorial:

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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