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After I check a combined verse (e.g. v8-9), it’d be nice if the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+down arrow) could take me to the following non-combined verse (v10 in this case). Right now, it doesn’t do anything. I have to either click on a project where the verses are not combined and then do Ctrl+down arrow, or mouse click on v10 manually.

Paratext by (216 points)

1 Answer

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The Ctrl+Arrow up or Arrow down works in this situation. You just have to click the arrow two times (or more if the bridge is bigger). Basically you have to press the arrow once for each verse.

by (8.3k points)

I could have sworn I’d tried pressing it multiple times.

Anyway, thanks for pointing it out. Such a small thing, yet it makes my workflow feel much smoother.

I just realized that it was in the interlinear that the Ctrl+arrow doesn’t work for combined verses. Not a big deal, and I assume that there’s some technical reason why it doesn’t work in the interlinear, but I thought I’d point it out.

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