0 votes

When displaying a text collection, the verse from each verse is displayed on each line. If that verse contains new lines, it is simply replaced with a slash, like this:

I would like to have the newlines in a verse displayed as a new line, instead of being removed and replaced with a slash. This would be especially useful for resources that are in fact commentaires, such as TNNFR. It’s hard to follow the wall of text without the newlines that are supposed to be there. Is there an option to enable this?

I know I can click on a version to display the verse in context with formatting. That’s really helpful, but it would be even more helpful if I could enable newlines in the text collection view comparing the same verse in different resources.

Paratext by (443 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

The view was actually changed in Paratext 8.0 to just show the slashes after users complained about the wasted space with newlines showing. An option would certainly make everyone happy, but there is sadly not currently one.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

+1 vote

If new lines are used every time, the text collection becomes completely unusable for e.g. Psalms. So slashes are far better in that case. It’s true that they’re not great for reference works like translation handbooks, but I for one have got used to them.

by (188 points)

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