0 votes

I am starting to use PT8 a little more but a colleague and I are finding that we can’t open a text collection window. I use File > Open Project/Resource in Text Collection and choose anything from 1 to 6 texts and when I click OK (whether using ESVUS16, or NIV11UK or NLT07 or other projects) nothing at all happens.

So the question is - have other people found this problem recently? I’m sure it’s worked before.

Here’s the trace log:

[2018-05-10T15:40:31+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: MainForm.fileToolStripMenuItem: Click
[2018-05-10T15:40:31+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: MainForm.fileToolStripMenuItem: Click
[2018-05-10T15:40:33+01] - Information: DialogRestorer.RestoreForm screen={X=0,Y=0,Width=1280,Height=690}
[2018-05-10T15:40:33+01] - Information: Usage: Form: ScrTextListSelectionForm: Shown
[2018-05-10T15:40:41+01] - Information: Usage: Button: ScrTextListSelectionForm.uiRemove: Click
[2018-05-10T15:40:44+01] - Information: Usage: Button: ScrTextListSelectionForm.uiAdd: Click
[2018-05-10T15:40:46+01] - Information: Usage: Button: ScrTextListSelectionForm.uiOk: Click
[2018-05-10T15:40:46+01] - Information: Usage: Form: ScrTextListSelectionForm: Closed_OK
[2018-05-10T15:40:46+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: MainForm.uiFileOpenResourceWindow: Click
[2018-05-10T15:42:36+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: TextForm.checkingToolStripMenuItem: Click
[2018-05-10T15:42:44+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: MainForm.helpToolStripMenuItem: Click
[2018-05-10T15:42:45+01] - Information: Usage: Menu: MainForm.helpToolStripMenuItem: Click

Paratext by (506 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

Resetting PT with Shift didn’t change anything. But there seemed to be two issues and I think I’ve resolved it; both were probably related to my recent move from PT7.6:

  1. It turned out that in some of my saved Window (Text) Combinations (from PT7.6) there was a tiny text collection window behind all my other windows. Since this was already open, trying again to reopen a text collection didn’t work. I didn’t know why it was tiny and hidden behind the other windows since it hadn’t been that way in PT7.6 but, then also…

  2. Some of my saved collections of resources (saved in the text collections dialog) were out of date since they were from 7.6 and gave me a ‘File Missing’ error when I chose them and clicked OK. Once this had been triggered, even if I chose only CEVUK or ESVUS16 or something else that formerly had worked in PT8 then still the text collections window didn’t open. Interestingly, when I restart Paratext then a tiny version of the Text Collection window (with no resources selected) reappeared. So I think something about the ‘File Missing’ error stops all subsequent Text Collection windows from opening until a restart of Paratext.

To trigger the ‘File Missing’ try opening the HBKENG resource (alone) in a text collection window. I’m not sure if that will work universally, but on my system that always gives me the error and stops any subsequent text collections from opening till I restart Paratext.

All this took a while to figure out.

(Shows the expanded text collection window that shows up after restarting paratext)
by (506 points)
0 votes

Sorry vital information: This happens on PT8.0.100.59 but not on another colleague’s PT8.0.100.35.

by (506 points)

I have installed and it works fine for me.

From the log, it looks like no resources were selected. Did you click the arrow to move the resources to the right pane? Just highlighting the resources and clicking OK gets the results you report.


Paratext Supoort

0 votes

I had the problem where a text collection that I had been using for a couple of weeks suddenly went blank. That is to say the text collection was still on my desktop in the right place, but the individual resources appeared to have not text the next time I restarted Paratext. I could not come up with the steps to reproduce it, so I did not report it.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

I chose and moved over to the right side a varying number of resources. Can send screenshots if you like. But as a trainer I’m sure I didn’t make the obvious mistake. My colleague likewise did everything normally.

by (506 points)

Strange. I am using .59 and do not see the problem. May I suggest the obvious solution?—Do a reset of PT by holding down shift when opening the program

0 votes

No matter how often I delete and redownload it appears HBK complains that File .dbl\names can not be loaded from resource…

So I think that’s my real problem.

by (506 points)

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