0 votes

I’m searching for a word that has hundreds of results. I want to read the word in context in all of these results. To do this, this is what I attempted:

I clicked on the project menu button, and then “Find”. I entered my search query and ran the search. The results are shown within a panel/window. If I click on a result, I can see the result in context.

How do I move from the currently selected result to the next result quickly? I tried pressing down and then Enter, but the trouble is that the focus shifts to the other panel/window once I press Enter. Is there a keyboard shorcut to “Find Next”?

Paratext by (443 points)

5 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Try : alt + Down arrow

by (424 points)

That works, thank you!

0 votes

I found this workaround: in the search results pane/window, click the menu icon, and then click “Copy texts in list”. Now open a word processor (like LibreOffice Writer or Microsoft Word), and paste the text into a new document. You can now use that word processor’s search ability to look at search results within context. In LibreOffice Writer, you can press ctrl-F to initiate a search, and you can press Enter to focus on the next search result.

by (443 points)
+2 votes

For future reference, you can search the Paratext help for What keyboard shortcuts are available in Paratext? :grin:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I assume the context shown in the search results window when you select the ‘show verse context’ button is not enough?

by (117 points)

I didn’t notice that option. Thanks for pointing it out!

+1 vote

This may be beyond your need, but if you need to go on with other searches and also come back to this search,

  1. You can
    –save the list as mentioned above (in the search results pane/window, click the menu icon, and then click “Copy texts in list”.)
    –paste the results into a ToDo note (that you create at a findable place; I always put mine at MAT 1:1, so I will remember where it is)
    –When you save/close the note and reopen it, all of the references are PT links.

  2. In the new PT9.3 beta you can take bible references in standard PT format (like PSA 19:5) and copy and paste them into the Bible Bookname dropdown, and PT will go to that reference.
    New feature.

by (209 points)

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