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In PT8 when I compare two project (of the same language) there were two arrows to go backwards or forwards to the previous or the next difference between the two projects. All I can find in the helpfile of PT9 is to use the arrows in the toolbar that (apparently) will do the same for two versions of the same project, but they do not work for difference between two different projects.

Paratext by (105 points)

2 Answers

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I am able to use the compare tool and go to next difference in Paratext 9 for different projects without a problem. A frequent gotcha that has always been there is that if you change the project choice for the right hand window, the left hand window will change
projects also so that you are again viewing identical projects. Sometimes I don’t notice that that has happened and of course there are no differences to find. Do verify that you are viewing exactly the projects and versions you wish to view and that they
haven’t changed while you were looking elsewhere. I could be wrong about the left and right as I’m on my phone but you haven’t had an answer yet so I thought it was worth not making you wait longer for a possibly easy solution.

Blessings Shegnada

by (1.3k points)

I tried to replicate anon784407’s problem. When I opened a new Compare window it works OK with different projects:

But when I change the project in an existing Compare window, PT doesn’t switch to that project. The example below should show Satawalese on the left and Tikopia on the right, but it’s showing Tikopia in both panes.

There are also other problems when a Compare window is kept open after shutting down and reopening Paratext, or when it’s part of a layout. Sometimes the top part of the window will disappear (with the buttons, the project selection box and the version selection box).


This is a known issue introduced with

I have tried the same Paulus+Kieviet, and the two arrows are indeed there when I set up a completely new compare texts window, but not when I go back to a saved one. I can get by now, but have found it essential to be able to go to the next difference when there are few differences left. So, I hope this can get fixed.

Thanks all for your comments,


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I reported this issue in Paratext 9 several weeks ago. Until this bug is fixed, I recommend using Paratext 8 to do compare texts.

by (1.8k points)

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