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Hi all,

I’m trying to figure out the capabilities of Find and the Results List. Here are a few things that it seems like PT might be able to do but I haven’t figure out how. Could you tell me if I’m simply overlooking some menu options or if these things aren’t possible yet. I’m good with editing the Ref files if it isn’t too involved. Thanks.

  • Importing a list of verses (not created in PT) to see how they’re rendered.

  • Doing a search on a Gk/Heb term and then displaying those verses from the project (similar in style as if I had done a word search in the project but without highlighting the specific word). I know you can do something similar using the Biblical Terms, but that is limited to the words that have been entered. The Ref files appear to be tied to specific project.

  • Opening multiple instances of the Results list. Each new search replaces or edits the previous one. I’d like to look at two searches side by side for comparison.

Paratext by (184 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

To import a list of verses they should be in the same format that you find when you save a .txt file (you must select this from the dropdown). The format is pretty basic.

The .ref files are linked to a project by the information at the bottom of the file. However, the .txt files are not linked. If you create a list in one project/resource/slt and save the list as a .txt then when you open that list, the list will not be linked to a particular project, but to the verses.

Note that with .txt lists the word does not get highlighted. If you want to highlight a word with a saved list then it must be saved as a .ref type.

As mnjames has pointed out - you can use the results list options to create more complex searches.

by (8.5k points)

If I know that a particular Greek or Hebrew word is often translated in a wide variety of ways, you can search on the lemmas in an Enhanced resource to generate a list in the proper format.

An old tool that you can consider is the “Verse Text” Checklist. It is good at comparing renderings across projects and resources.

0 votes
  • Opening multiple instances of the Results list. Each new search replaces or edits the previous one. I’d like to look at two searches side by side for comparison.

I suspect this isn’t possible. However you can likely get even better results using the search tool. Search for term A first and get that list. Then search for terms B and tell the search tool “Remove from list.”

You’ll likely also need to run those backwards, so you end up with all B except for A.

If, instead, you want the intersection of the two results, you can use the “Shared with list” operation.

by (1.8k points)
0 votes

Ok. To summarize, it appears that the only option is to change a txt file into a ref and copy the verse texts into a different program for comparison. I can use the Verse Text Checklist for comparing projects, but I have to scroll between the verses. Thank you guys.

by (184 points)

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