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Is there a keyboard shortcut to be able to Edit an existing Note? Instead of having to click the ‘pencil’ icon?

I’ve looked through the post “What keyboard shortcuts are available in Paratext?” but didn’t find anything…


Paratext by (620 points)

2 Answers

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From Paratext, select Help > Make a suggestion

Here you can enter a feature request. Not sure Alt+E would work since
Alt normally activates accessing menu options.


by (571 points)

Yes, this could be very handy. I find that 80% of my notes are of one particular kind, so I could save 2-3 keystrokes if I could use a shortcut. One issue is that each of us will want slightly different things to happen. I may want it to create a new note of tag type “Formatting”, you may want one that edits the last note, someone else may want to resolve the current note. I think I would prefer that PT allow 4 or so user definable shortcut keys that allow the user a lot of flexibility.

I submitted a feature request for this. [Is there any way to ‘vote’ for feature requests?]

No, there is no way to vote. That way the devs can do whatever they feel like doing and not worry about what the users need or want. :grin:


Feature Requests are discussed at the Prioritization Committee, so be sure your representative on that committee knows about your request, approx. number of projects that would benefit from this request and how.

Barb Penner
Paratext support intake and Resources

Thanks, Barb. Since I didn’t know I had a representative on the Prioritization Committee, I also don’t know who that might be… Where would I find this information? Thanks,


Hi Paul,

Doug Higby ([Email Removed]) can tell you who the representative is.


0 votes


I also could find no documented shortcut. I tried ctrl+letters then
numbers then ctrl+shift. No positive result. Sorry.


by (571 points)

Thanks for trying, anon467281.

I don’t see Alt + E used for anything in the list. Can I turn this into a
’feature request’? :wink:


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