0 votes

We have a project where the language group wants to use the numeral system from their area for chapter and verses.
We learned about \cp # and \vp # \vp*, but when we click on Preview View we see both Arabic and the local numeral (Burmese in this instance)
How do we instruct Paratext to only show the verse number in marked by \vp # \vp*.

The USFM documentation suggests that showing \vp instead of \v is the expected result
Chapters and Verses — Unified Standard Format Markers 3.0.0 documentation (ubsicap.github.io)

Paratext by (476 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

There is no need to use \cp # and \vp # \vp* when printing this text in either the PDF Print Draft or PTXPrint. There is a setting to change all digits to local variants in both tools.
Print PDF Draft:

PTXPrint - On the Font + Scripts configuration click the main Body text font and choose the Myanmar Digit mapping.
by (1.8k points)

Thank you CrazyRocky, I’ve since learned that both PTxPrint and SAB have the ability to replace the default numerals with a preset numeral system from another script. Interestingly, the SAB list of preset numeral systems is smaller than the PTxPrint list.
YouVersion will also display different numeral systems for chapter / verse numbers, but their process depends upon the \cp and \vp # \vp* being in the text. It’s also been suggested that I try using a change file in the project folder to insert them programmatically. I’ve not got any real experience with that so I will have to experiment. The end result has to be something that YouVersion, or any other DBL consumer, can use to display the appropriate numerals.

+1 vote

The short answer is that you can’t. The preview view is not meant to reflect exactly what the text is going to look like when printed. If you want a more “finished” view of what it will look like, you should use Project > Export draft PDF from within Paratext or the excellent PTXPrint tool.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

I tried to make a print draft but Paratext tosses an error

Padauk is installed. I’ve attempted different font sizes in the print draft creation process, but get the same error.

I did see this option in the Paratext Print draft advance tools
And Burmese is among them. If I can get the print draft error sorted, then I’d like to see what this feature does. If it will change the verse number from Arabic to Burmese for us then we’re well a head of the game and don’t need to mess with the \vp # \vp* markers.

+3 votes

The PDF tool in Paratext has been a problem for a number of years - this is part of what led to the creation of the PTXPrint tool. I would recommend trying that. Of course I would make sure that the Chapter/Verse and Marker checks run clean in Paratext.

by (8.5k points)

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