0 votes

It’s exciting to see new Enhanced Resources!!

Does anyone know which Enhanced Resource was recently added in Chinese (Simplified or Traditional)?




Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)


3 Answers

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Best answer

I’m not entirely certain I understand your question, but the resource used is the same as the ER name without the ‘+’ - in this case CU2010 (Chinese Union Version 2010). The ERs are just designated by the addition of the ‘+’ at the end of the short name for the original resource.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Not a direct answer, but did you look at the copyright info? window menu > View > Copyright information...

by (754 points)

Thanks for the idea. It doesn’t seem that the copyright info tells me what I want to know.

I think that Enhanced Resources are more of a compilation of other resources, so don’t have a copyright of their own.


0 votes

I heard there was a new ER in Chinese, but somebody else suggested there was a recent update to one of them. I was trying to see which was the case.

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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