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Mark P writes> the option “Open Bible Module…” on the Tools menu is disabled!
It works fine for other projects on her computer! She is the Administrator, and has all the permission she needs to add books etc. but for some reason it just doesn’t work as advertised :frowning:

anon451647 writes> A Bible module has to be written to one of the XXA…XXG books so if you have not been given permission to edit those books it will be disabled.

Clearly that is a bit tricky, not sure best way to make it better. Perhaps if at least one of those books was not created yet we could allow an administrator (or translator?) to automatically have that book assigned to them as part of the operation. I will add this as an enhancement request unless someone can think of a better solution.

As Doug Higby said assigning all the books to someone also gets around this problem altho we don’t recommend it because it can allow generating massive numbers of conflicts if you are not very careful about who changes what and when.

Paratext by (646 points)

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