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Hi all. Here is a weird issue. We are working on Revelation in PTv9.2. We just virtually revised Rev 2, did a S/R and the team all got it too. Then we did a S/R with PTLite on our phones (3,000miles away). PTLite said there were edits in the project to get, but when it finished doing the S/R process it said “No new edits were sent or received.” (!)

In fact, my copy of the project in PTLite is only showing data from June 2021 and before, and nothing newer! I’ve tried it twice so far, no success.

The team member said that after he turned off the WiFi and turned on the Bluetooth, only then was he able to get S/R to work (!) – this doesn’t make any sense to me actually, I’m just reporting what they said.

But they had success, so I tried again, and the S/R crashed/auto-closed. Then I tried again and PTLite auto-closed. When I restarted PTLite, the new data was now there.

So, something is really weird and less than ideal with how PTLite’s S/R is working/behaving now.

(It also takes a VERY long time to S/R our project. I don’t understand this if it is only sending the CHANGES between the server and the phone. It acts like it is sending the entire project each time.)

Any advice or clues to make this work more reliably would be Very Helpful. Thanks.

Paratext Lite by (365 points)

1 Answer

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Could do a Hamburger Menu → Submit feedback from the device that crashed.
This will provide us with the log file, which may help in finding out what the cause is.

How long is a very long time, 30s, 3mins, 30 mins?

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

I will keep an eye on it, but today the S/R took 1 minute. This was the fastest I’d seen it. And it didn’t crash. But still 1 full minute in the USA using a 5G phone seems a bit slow for the few new changes from the previous day. I suspect it might be due to the large number of notes in this project. (Other projects with more changes, but fewer total number of notes, S/R in less time – in Paratext too.)

That minute includes, not just the sending and receiving of the data but also processing the received data. (eg. merging changes, resolving conflicts etc.) So total time also depends on speed of device, not just speed of internet connection. If you direct message me the name of your project I can profile what’s taking the time.

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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