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The development team wants to check something out with people who use PTLite to help us decide how to go with some PTLite development centred around text collection ability. So, as I understand it, PT, the desktop application has a facility known as text collections.

We would value your feedback on a design issue that may help you get “more than 4 texts” on a tablet. The idea centres around using text collections. However, this type of facility in PT desktop is ReadOnly. Is that the best way to implement text collections in PTLite, or would it be beneficial to be able to edit a texts that were in a collection?

Here is a screenshot proposal for what text collections might look like when displaying the texts available:

And, here is a screenshot of one text opened up from the text collections available. The red circle is not part of the actual interface, it is meant to draw your attention to the back arrow button which is used to return to the screen showing the available text collections, as in the previous screen shot.

We’d love your input into how to make this feature the most useful it can be for you, and if it is something that you’d find helpful.

anon089134, for the team

Paratext Lite by [Moderator]
(239 points)


1 Answer

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That looks like a great idea! Thanks!

by (364 points)

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