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At the Chiang Mai Paratext 8 Supporters Workshop, we were told that the projects which we pre-registered via the email link sent out would be automatically added the following week or so. So I am watching for them to appear in the Paratext 8 Project Registry so that I can begin adding users.
Adding Users will be a huge job for our country, (I believe we will have more than 246 verified active users) so I want to do it ahead of time, carefully and unrushed, where I have good internet.
I am not seeing these projects yet. Have they been uploaded and I am not looking in the right place or are they not uploaded yet? The scarier question for me is WILL they even be uploaded or must I start from scratch with 82+ projects? What is my next step in preparing our country for Paratext 8?



Paratext by (1.3k points)

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@NathanM, do you know the status of this?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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