0 votes

The font which I use for typesetting does not have a BOLD style. I wanted to add weight to it so that the characters can simulate a Bold appearance. In InDesign when I tried all the options to do in the Paragraph style options dialog box are disabled. If there’s a way to add in the PA stylesheet I need your help.

Images attached.

Publishing Assistant by (197 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

TSNgaihte, please see the topic How to Fake a Boldface for a Font without one in the Indic Typesetting document: tiny.cc/indictypesetting. Steps 2 and 3 in those instructions are especially easy to forget.

by (286 points)
0 votes

I do not know anything about InDesign.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

How would the need for a Bold weight be handled outside of InDesign, such as on the web and in apps?

by (185 points)

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Acts 12:5
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