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I made a spelling change and used “Yes to all.” I’m quite confident that the change was appropriate, but I thought I’d like to check a few instances. In the “Changes Sent and Received” window, if I click the tiny down arrow beside my version number, it expands to show a list of books that the change affected:

My understanding is that if I click on a blue book name, I’ll be taken to the first change in that book (my understanding could be way off, though–I can’t actually find anything about this in Help…). What I see is this:

Both sides are exactly the same, and there’s no drop-down available to change ‘version’ on one side or the other. If I select one of the blue arrows in the menu bar it will scan for the Previous / Next change, but after a lengthy scan I get ‘No changes found’.

Am I dealing with a bug? Or am I expecting something I shouldn’t be? I could go manually to the references I want to check, but that seems like a lot more work than ought to be necessary–if Paratext can tell me a change was made in book X chapter Y, it should be able to take me there, no? It looks like that’s what it’s advertising, but looks can be deceiving, I guess…

Paratext by (620 points)

2 Answers

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This looks like a bug to me. I just tested similar functionality with my own Paratext project and it worked as you expected it to work: clicking on the blue book link opened to a window with the current text on the left and the previous text on the right. Clicking the Previous / Next arrows took me to the previous and next changes.

Are you using the latest version of Paratext 9.0? Or, even better, can you update to 9.1 (and then the latest 9.1 patch)? You can find the download files here: https://paratext.org/download.

If the update doesn’t fix the issue, please use Paratext Menu > Help > Give feedback and describe the problem in detail, like you have described here.

I actually may have discovered a bug myself: clicking the blue link after a spell check change opened the change windows, but it opened to verse 1:0 of that book, instead of the first location of the change. I’ll report that.

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
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I’m using package [paratext-9.0, 0.82], so that could be where the issue lies. I’ll write something up and submit it. I don’t see an update to 9.1 available for Linux at the link you provided; I usually stick to the version that the package manager / software updater offers.

Thanks for reporting the opening to 1:0 thing–I found that odd as well, but I didn’t know if it was related to the larger issue I was facing.

by (620 points)

I see the problem still exists in on WIndows. Clicking on the link brings up the Compare Versions tool for the beginning of the book, even when the first change is several chapters from the beginning. The “next change” arrow on the toolbar does take me to the first change, but I do think this is a bug that it does not take you right to the first change.

I’ve forwarded your report to the developers.

Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were on Linux. Paratext 9.1 is not available for Linux at this time.

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