+3 votes

We have done a lot of PT interlinearization in our project, done expressly with the goal of helping advisors’ and consultants’ understand the language and to reduce the automatic parsing load for PT. We have done much more precise and linguistically oriented interlinearization on non-Scripture data in FLEx. We have had our FLEx database associated with the PT project for several years, but we have not attempted to interlinearize Scripture in FLEx. I have seen evidence that PT9 interlinearizer is now using FLEx lexical entries, which is great.

Recently we have been editing our non-Scripture interlinear texts in FLEx. This week while working with the many affix entries we see something weird and disturbing: It looks as though the Paratext non-linguistic morpheme breaks and glosses we create are being sent to FLEx automatically as wordforms. I assume this is part of the move toward merging PT and FLEx interlinearization, but it is not helpful for our FLEx data at this time!

This automatic insertion into FLEx is not desired at this point in our project work, but if it is a new intentional feature we need to be informed so we can modify our glossing procedures in PT. Fortunately we have not interlinearized many verses in PT recently, but it will be a big job to sort out the imprecise PT entries from our FLEx wordforms + morpheme breaks.

Can someone please point me to a description of how PT9 and FLEx specifically interact during interlinearization?

It might be very helpful to have control over which data is transferred between PT and FLEx: Could there be a 3-way settings choice between PT <–> FLEx , PT –> FLEx , and FLEx –> PT, perhaps?

Many thanks on the great development of both PT and FLEx and the integration features! We appreciate it very much; we just need to know how the changes are affecting our workflow.

Paratext by (630 points)

1 Answer

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Related topic: How does the Paratext Interlinearizer and Flex parser work together

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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