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Somehow I am able to see my ParaTExt data in FLEx ‘Texts & Words’:
select ‘Choose’ from the ‘Texts’ column drop-down, and check the boxes
of the books (or portions thereof) that I want to pull over. It’s

I’m trying to help a colleague do the same thing and we can’t figure
out how to do it. We’re both using PT and FLEX
8.2.9–fairly up to date. He can select books from the 'Choose’
dialogue, but they are empty of data–just chapter and verse
numbers… One thing we noticed is that there’s only OT available in
his 'Choose’r, even though he has both OT and NT in ParaTExt.

Any help appreciated!


Paratext by (620 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Silly question, but is the Correct FLEx project associated with Paratext in the Project settings tab of the Paratext project?

⁣Sent from TypeApp ​

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


Not silly at all, dhigby–thanks for chiming in. But, yes, the correct
FLEx project is associated. Right-clicking words in ParaTExt to
’lookup’ in FLEx works fine. Getting ParaTExt data to FLEx doesn’t
work at all…

So is it just a matter of using ‘Choose’ in ‘Texts & Words’? Or is
there some other step I’m missing?


This sounds like he has more than one Paratext project associated with the FLEx project and it’s picking the wrong one (which makes sense because it can’t know which one to choose).

OK, this is something new to go on. I wasn’t aware that you could
associate projects in the other direction (i.e., PT -> FLEx), nor that
you could associate more than one. Can you help me find where to
change that? Thanks!


The only way the association works is from PT -> FLEx. FLEx just has the ability to read that information from Paratext.
The setting (in Paratext) is in Project > Project Properties and Settings > Associations tab > Associated Lexical Project. There are probably two projects that contain the same association.

If you have a good files-in-folder text search, you can search for “FieldWorks:{nameOfProject}” in .SSF files in the My Paratext Projects folder to find the duplicated one (if that is, indeed, the problem).

Mark [solved]! There were two ParaTExt projects for the language in question, both of which were associated with the same FLEx project. One ParaTExt project was for OT (created before the user knew he could / should have both OT and NT in one project) and the other is OT / NT. We set the FLEx association on the ParaTExt OT project to ‘None’ and the data from the OT / NT project was happily imported by FLEx.

Thanks for your help!

I wonder if ParaTExt ought to warn users that associating more than one project with a single FLEx database can cause issues? Of course, such warnings can be easily ignored when one doesn’t understand the implications…

0 votes

I have a similar problem. I can add lexical entries to my Flex project from Paratext, but I don’t see any Bible books in Flex on the texts and words area when I click the red filters button.
Thanks for any helps you might be able to provide.

by (181 points)

I’ve tried to figure out what I did on the FLEx side, but I’ve transitioned to Linux and it crashes every time I try to “Choose” texts from the dropdown in the Texts pane. Sorry I can’t help…

I had the same problem Windows, Paul. Word from Flex help is that if a PT project has a text marked as Auxiliary (like a notes project, which I have) with it then Flex 8 will not allow importation of Scripture text. This is apparently fixed in Flex 9.


Maybe this helps? Free translation in FieldWorks from Back Translation in ParaText

I went to the texts and words view > interlinear texts. Then when I click on the icon in the tool bar with the funnel and red book, I see several genres but no category called Bible. For some reason it seems that Flex is not seeing that the associated PT project has Bible text that can be imported and isn’t giving it to me as an option. I’ve already reinstalled Flex (the BTE version this time) with no improvement. Is there some other switch I need to throw before these texts from my translation in PT show up in Flex? Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that the translated Books should just appear in this area of Texts and Words, but they just haven’t for me.

Thanks for your help,

0 votes

@Fork, It might be best to ask FLEx support what’s going on, then. I have no ideas why it wouldn’t be showing up at all in FLEx.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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