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The existing Help topic in PT9 says that a NBSP should not be used but a tilde should be used instead and while publishing the project tildes should be turned into NBSPs. How about this situation: we have a NT text to be published only electronically, directly from the DBL through API and IBAP to the user’s app. Does anyone know, if API or IBAP system can change tildes automatically into NBSPs, or what should we do, if we need some NBSPs in the text in the user’s app (typically with numbers like 144 000)?

Paratext by (250 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Uploading to the DBL should already automatically change the tildes to NBSPs as should all of the exports from within Paratext (export as RTF, Print Draft, export as USX, etc.).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

You can check it yourself by looking at a biblical book in DBL: Use Download Publishable Project As Owner to download one USX file.
You can also force turning tildes into no-break space by placing a file DBLchanges.txt in the project folder that contains the following line:
"~" > "\u00A0"

by (706 points)
0 votes

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks to both of you that replied. From DBL > API > IBAP app NBSPs come though fine.

by (250 points)

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