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When a note is attached to a word that is later deleted, the note loses its footing. In Paratext (and earlier), the note is then reattached to the same word in a different place, which is very confusing. Or if it does not find such a word, the note is attached to the begining of the verse. This is very unhelpful for Introductions and extra books without verse numbers. Are there plans to change this so that a note that loses its footing is attached to either the preceding or following word relative to the word(s) that are deleted? One can reattach a word, but that is not helpful either.

Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

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Best solution is to attach the note to a longer series of words so it can still reattach to the same location. Unfortunately that is not always possible because of markup, and the note itself will not attach to the specific word or phrase in question. In those situations you may need to make clear in the note the exact text that the note refers to.
Also, as you may be aware, PT copies the entire verse into the user’s note file when you make the note. This is a very nice feature in Bible text to see the changes made in the verse since the note was created. However it is not so useful in extra books where the entire book (actually chapter) is copied into every single note. Not only is it hard to read the compare versions pane in the note, it also bloats the user’s notes file For that reason I try to avoid putting notes into extra books. I will use remarks \rem and communication outside of PT to minimize the number of notes I make in extra books.

by (1.8k points)

Thank you. Most of my notes deal with a single word, so if I attach the note to that word, it is highlighted. In a few cases I select a phrase or a whole sentence. I can try to select two words, but it probably requires me to repeat the word I am referring to in the note. I’ll experiment with it.
What do you mean by the note file? I suppose you are not talking about the xml file in the project folder. Within the note itself, only part of the verse is quoted. I sometimes have to use the project history and from there look at the changes made by a particular user. It just takes a very long time to get to there. I was hoping for a program improvement.

I actually do mean the notes.xml files that Paratext creates for each user who makes noes in the project. Th text fro the entire verse in copied into the note when you create it so that changes can be displayed. Here is an example from Bibelen på hverdagsdansk that show quote marks were changed from double to single quotes:

this is OK for verses, but when a note is created in an extra book, which is usually one chapter, the entire book is copied into the note:


Go to Tools Menu then Notes list. It will ask you to specify which project(s) you want to make a list of all the project notes for, and it will make a list. When you see the note you want to review, click on the blue “open” link in the upper right of the entry and it will expand to see everything.

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No, there are no plans to change the current behavior.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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