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I really like the Formatted mode for writing my own consulting notes as a kind of ‘back translation’ project. I would like to give it a custom stylesheet so that, for example verse numbers are prominent for the sake of easy navigation. I’ve done this and the changes are reflected in Standard and Preview view but in Formatted, the verse numbers are still small superscripts. Is this by design? Is there any way to change the verse numbers in Formatted view?

Paratext by (506 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

It’s hard to know if it was by-design (as it was done a long time ago), but the code does override the layout and color settings for the verse numbers in the Formatted view. There is no way to bypass this behavior. :neutral_face:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


That’s a pity. Thanks for the answer.

0 votes

This may appear to be a non sequitur, but ParaTExt 8 will have a new project type: consultant notes project. You may find that this works well for what you want to do, though I doubt it displays verse numbers any differently than project do now.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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Paratext Mar 30, 2023 asked by Paul (620 points)
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1 John 1:7
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