0 votes

I have defined a workspace. But know it seems that it is fixed and it is no longer possible to change the size of the windows which would be helpful to me, since I like to make a screen copy from the interlinear from time to time. Is it possible to make the workspace in such a way that the different windows will not be frozen?


Paratext by (114 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Use the Help menu and choose Give feedback.

One thing I do with the interlinear window is to save an HTML version which will open in any web browser. It is a helpful accessible record of the state of the translation at a particular point, such as after a consultant has worked with the translation team.

by (506 points)
0 votes

Please use Help > Give feedback so we can look into this issue.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by this.

by (114 points)

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