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In a recent update, it appears that the height of certain text boxes in dialogues has become fixed.

See, for example, the alphabetic characters box in project Language Settings:

The width adjusts with the dialogue box, but not the height, making it a bit difficult to work with.

The same seems to be true of the key term Edit Renderings box (look at all that padding!):

I’m using

Paratext by (412 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

If you see something which you’re pretty confident is a bug, the best way to help the developers know about it and fix it is to send a report via: Main menu > Give feedback > Report a problem. That way posts from here don’t need to be re-written as a bug report in our issue tracker.

I checked our issue tracker and the language settings issue was reported already (PTX-19553). I’ve added your edit renderings image though. Thanks!

by [Moderator]
(1.1k points)

IanH, thanks for your response. I normally submit problem reports via Paratext, but this time couldn’t find a way to do so while also sending these particular screenshots. Could I have written directly to [Email Removed] with attachments? If so, will do that next time instead. Thanks for your help!

i see the same in version .24

That’s a good question, drwww. It’s still best to submit a report from Paratext because the developers will have a record of what steps you were taking and how Paratext was responding when you submitted the report. If the Paratext feedback tool can’t automatically add the screenshots you need, you could make a note of the PTXS tracking number which Paratext generates when you’ve submitted the report. Follow up the report with an email with the screenshots and say they relate to case “PTXS-nnnn”. That’s a lot of work though, usually the problem report is enough. If we can’t work out what the problem is from your initial report someone might email you and ask you to send a screenshot of the problem.

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