+1 vote

I have noticed that when executing the “Mark occurences as glossary items …” it also adds \w \w* to words that appear in footnotes. Can this be prevented ? If not, can you help me with a regex that removes all \w \w* that appear in footnotes ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Paratext by (322 points)

3 Answers

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goodgoan, @anon467281 is correct, you need to use the embedded marker markup \+w …\+w* in footnotes. When you do that the \+w markup will inherit the font size of its parent style. You should not have any problem with incorrect font size.
If you are using Print Draft (is that what you mean by “proof print”) then you can create a PrintDraftChanges.txt file with the following code:

# Display a glossary word with an asterisk
'\\\+?w\s(.*?)(\|.*?)?\\\+?w\*'    >   '\1*'

This will delete the \w and \+w styles altogether, along with any following lemma form. It will also add an asterisk after the word, which is generally want people want printed to indicate a word in the glossary.

Alternately, you can use this code to simply strip off the \w markup before doing a Print Draft:

# Remove glossary word markup
'\\\+?w\s([^\\|].*?)(\|[^\\].*?)?\\\+?w\*' > '\1'

The same code can be used in changes.txt to modify the input to PA

by (1.8k points)
0 votes

\f .*?\f*:::\w*?

      should do the trick. why do

you want them removed. to have \w embedded in a footnote the
syntax is

+w …+w*

by (571 points)

Hi anon467281,
I want them removed because in PA they get the w character style which is bigger (11pt) then the footnote text. I guess in changes.txt this could be dealt with in another way. Do you have a suggestion ?

You can edit the character style in Indesign and remove the font size characteristic so that it is blank. It should then use whatever size is already being used. If it doesn’t, then it would be a significant enough issue for reporting a problem. It rather surprises me that it even has a font size defined originally. Of course, save the style change back to your template for your other books.

Thank you Shegnada,
This is what I did for a proof print, changing the character style, but the real problem is that there is only one “w” character style, which will take its pointsize from the mail text (in my case 11pt), resulting in a 11pt word in a 10pt footnote text, whenever the \w \w* appears in a footnote. (I`ll pick up on that in Tcop)

0 votes

Thank you all, this is helpful input. It is the embedded marker I was in need of. Merci beaucoup.

by (322 points)

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