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I’m working with a publishing house to prepare their text in Paratext before it gets worked on in Publishing Assistant. This publication has extensive use of footnotes (12,000+). One thing they want to do is to print some footnotes below the text in a standard way, but some they want to have printed in the margins (like this example).

We have an internal system of categorizing the footnotes. Would it be possible within USFM to mark which ones get printed in the margins and which ones in the standard way? If not any ideas for making this happen programmatically?
Paratext by (128 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You could use \f to mark the footnotes for the bottom of the page and \ef to mark the footnotes for the side columns. It would be handled as a custom layout in PA.


by [Moderator]
(316 points)


Thank you very much for this easy workaround!

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