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When viewing footnotes in formatted or “aper,cu” view, we see that the alphabet marker for the footnote is in the space above the reference and all footnote content. How can this problem be solved? Example:
18.4 Kire tiʔɛ siɛnnɛ kaliʔɛlɛ nī gèle, a nabɔnwɔ yé tánʔa nɛ̀ pɛn siɛn mɛ́ wè, pe nɛ̂ cé luʔɔ kúu nɛ̀ tɔliyɔ jíge yè wi nɛ̄.

Paratext by (145 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Looks like this is a minor glitch in how Paratext does the layout for footnotes in those views.
Sorry, but there isn’t much you can do about it.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Hope that when it prints, it won’t look like that!

As a typesetter, I know that the way the footnotes appear in Paratext is not how they print out. Paratext attempts to display the text according to styles, but is very limited in what the output looks like. How it appears in print is handled by other software such as Publishing Assistant, Pathway, or simple Print Draft (Export to PDF).

If you run a print draft (Export to PDF) you should get a better idea of how the footnotes will display.

Thank you!

0 votes

Can you give an example of the USFM that is causing the issue?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

In consulting with the publications staff at SIL in Abidjan, we could not see that it was any certain USFM marker. Each of the footnotes has the traditional USFM coding:
\f + \fr 18.4 \ft Kire tiʔɛ siɛnnɛ kaliʔɛlɛ nī gèle, a nabɔnwɔ yé tánʔa nɛ̀ pɛn siɛn mɛ́ wè, pe nɛ̂ cé luʔɔ kúu nɛ̀ tɔliyɔ jíge yè wi nɛ̄.\f*

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