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I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but in PT8 if you click on a book name under a person’s name in recent changes it will show you all the changes they have made. This is true both for the recent changes that are shown when you do a send-receive, or if you open “Recent changes” for a project. However, in PT9 when I click on the book name it opens a window with two copies of the project, but both show “current version” at the beginning of the book and clicking the right arrow to show the next change, just gives the message “no further changes”. Do I need to do something else, or is it meant to work the same as PT8?


Paratext by (213 points)

3 Answers

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The update ( should have been delivered to all users yesterday and should include that fix.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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Hi anon953007,

This was meant to work the same as in Paratext 8, and this bug has now been fixed. You will see it working properly in the next update.


by (448 points)
0 votes

Yep, works now, thanks!

It’s doesn’t matter, but I’m pretty sure in PT8 when you click a book in recent changes it opens at the first change, whereas PT9 still opens at chapter 1 verse 1.

by (213 points)

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1 Corinthians 12:13
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