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We have noticed some changes in the way composed/decomposed characters are handled in Paratext 8. Has there been a recent change in this functionality? For example, if there is a word which has a composed é (U+00E9) and another version of the word where it is decomposed (’e’ + U+0301), the word list seems to show both of those words together as equivalent. However, I noticed that the character inventory still shows them as separate. It would be good to know exactly how far this improvement goes, if someone can explain that for us.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

No, that change was done in Paratext 7.6. I’m not sure why something might have changed for you.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

It appears that when you search, it does still make the difference between composed/decomposed. But in the Word List or to identify when a key term equivalent is found, it combines them.

by (1.4k points)

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