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When a passage is Exported to RTF, is there a way to have PT (8 or 9) apply a set of consistent substitutions? Our language distinguishes ordinary space from em-space, but we simply use a comma for em-space in PT, so that it’s clearly visible. Then, before printing, we replace the comma with an em-space – but only in the output text, not in PT. If there’s an automated way to do this in the Export to RTF workflow, that would save a bit of Finding-Replacing in Word/LibreOffice.


Paratext by (290 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

In Paratext 9.0, there is a help topic that says how to do this:
“How do I apply consistent changes to the text when exporting it to PDF?”

by [Expert]
(734 points)
0 votes

I’m not sure if this applies to RTF export also.

by (840 points)

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