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I applied notes from one project to another using the “Multi” feature. I was careful to set each tag to the same “Priority” tag and to assign each one to “Team” in the other project.

However, the next time I opened Paratext (after a closing and opening S/R), most of those tags had been reset to “To Do.”

Did I miss a step in the way I applied the notes to the other project?


Paratext by (190 points)

2 Answers

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Both projects have a tag named “Priority”? When I try this, the tag name is repeated in the second project and doesn’t change when I restart.

Is it possible someone else on the team changed the tag names in the second project and you received that change just before you noticed the notes had gone back to “To Do?”

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Yes, both projects have the same set of tags.

There are others adding new notes in the second project, but they are not setting them to the “To Do” tag. And no one else is working in the same books in the second project.

For me, this has happened more than one time over a period of several days work.


0 votes

Did the second project have the priority tag available in their notes before you did this? I can imagine that if the priority tag was not defined the same in the second project via the Project Properties menu before you took these steps, they would default to the only preset tag of ToDo.

by (1.3k points)

Yes, both projects had the same set of tags available at the time I applied the notes to the second project.


Just thought I would add this additional info:

Today, I am applying Priority 2 notes from one project to another. After a S/R, the icons in the second project are also changed to the default flag. I haven’t tested the other tags in the projects to see if it changes all of them.

I can open each note in the second project and change it to the correct icon that remains after a S/R. However, I’m trying to avoid the double work.

Would it be helpful if I send an error report with screen shots of the steps I am using?

Thanks, anon180868

My apologies. I never mentioned that I was still working in PTX 8.

I tried it in PTX 9, and it seems to be working as expected.

Thanks again,

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