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I have just done S/R on the computer that has not done S/R for a year or more.

We got 58 conflict notifications so 43 of them were “Changes were made to a chapter could not be merged because verse bridging was different.” As I examined the different chapters there was only one that had verse bridging and that had not been changed. I could not see another other reason for that conflict message to come up. Any suggestions?


Paratext by (140 points)

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The message you got is only created when the verse bridging in a chapter has changed. When considering the change, three revisions of chapter are considered: other users changes, your changes and the base (most recent common revision between their revision and your revision). Since it was a long time since the last S/R, the base revision would likely be more than a year old.

You should just review the content of the chapter and see if it is what you expected. Once you have done that, you can resolve the conflict note.

You may want to use the “Compare texts” tool to determine what has changed between different revisions.

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