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Translations in our language follow the versification of the Russian Synodal Protestant. UBS have keyed in the old translation for our language, but I noticed that for Numbers 12–13 (and maybe elsewhere), it follows the English numbering. But doing a Chapter/Verse Numbers check flags no errors. RSC.VRS has the line:

NUM 1:54 2:34 3:51 4:49 5:31 6:27 7:89 8:26 9:23 10:36 11:35 12:15 13:34 14:45 

… and their chapter 12 has 16 verses, so it should give an error, right? (I checked, and versification for this project is set to RSP.)

Paratext by (1.4k points)

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Can you give the name of a project that is having this problem?

Also, what version of Paratext are you using? Does the project have a custom.vrs file that might be affecting the project?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

The project’s short name is TAJ.

Yes, there is a custom.vrs. I didn’t think about this because the project was not syncing with other Bibles on those verses, and I thought that if there was a custom.vrs, then it would. But in fact there was an incomplete custom.vrs with the lengths of each chapter, but not the mappings.

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