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I’m supporting a user who’s having trouble using Find/Replace. The same problem presents itself whether he does it from the system menus or from the word list window, and happens more or less the same way whether he uses PT8 or PT9. Here’s the synopsis:

  • open Find & Replace
  • filter the words by using a certain character sequence (I don’t have the exact sequence he’s searching available, but I could find it out if necessary; regardless, it seems to happen regardless of what the characters are)
  • choose a word from the filtered list
  • click the red “x” to correct the word; a new window opens
  • correct the word as desired
  • click “OK”

In PT8 at this point there is a progress bar that says “searching the project text” or something to that effect (in French) with a “Cancel” button. However the progress bar just has a green area that bounces back and forth and never (after waiting for at least 15 minutes) concludes or show true progress. In PT9 the progress bar is simply empty with no “Cancel” button next to it. All PT windows seem frozen at this point, the “Cancel” button in PT8 responds when clicked but doesn’t cancel the operation, and PT can only be closed sometimes using Task Manager; otherwise he simply chooses to reboot the computer.

We have confirmed that this doesn’t happen when simply searching for a word with Find, just only when attempting a Find/Replace. Has anyone else seen this problem? Is there a way to troubleshoot it?



Paratext by (282 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The best thing to do for a problem like this is to send in a problem report using Help > Report a problem from the computer with the problem.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Also for ‘freezes’ like this one can run “ParatextForceShutdown.exe” from the PT install folder. This not only closes Paratext, but also should send a problem report, showing what Paratext is doing while it is frozen.

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