+1 vote
I am sure the answer to this must be out there somewhere, but I can't find it. How can I restrict a search and replace (either "normal" or Regex) to only a certain USFM field? This would seem to be such a basic restriction that I expected it to be an option in the RegEx Pal menu. Thanks for the help. I'm sure that if I make a RegEx statement complicated enough it is possible, but that is beyond my level of competence.
Paratext by (168 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

With RegexPal you can use three colons to enter a "context search" before the actual search, e.g.

\\f .*?\\f\*:::abc

This searches for footnotes \\f .*?\\f\* and in this context for abc.

by (754 points)

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