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I have made a suggestion via “give feedback” within Paratext 9 for an Automatic Send-Receive option, and also for reminders to do Send-Receive before quitting Paratext. This is what I wrote:

“I would like an option to have Paratext automatically do a send-receive after it is opened, if there is an Internet connection, I would also like there to be a reminder appear when a person tries to quit Paratext if a send-receive has not been done.
I ask for this because I have several times exprienced that a translator has worked on an old version of a passage because he forgot to do a Send-Receive before working. This creates all sorts of problems and wastes a team member’s time.”

Has anyone else exprienced this problem, and would others support the idea of an automatic send-receive?


Paratext by (121 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

If I understand what you are saying, then I think you’ve already got what you want:

by (2.5k points)
0 votes

Wow! That’s brilliant! Thank you. I’ll set that up on colleagues computers. - Jock

by (121 points)

It is also explained starting at about 1:38 in this video. (It is Paratext 8, but the procedure is the same.)
vimeo.com/168989204Uploaded 3 years ago 197 Views 0 Likes 0 Comments

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by (128 points)

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