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My PT9 opens up with a resolution or scaling factor that makes it very uncomfortable to work with. Has anyone else encountered this issue? I’ve tried all of the options under the properties tab from the PT9 shortcut as well as tried changing the scaling on my computer. Nothing has improved the issue. Appreciate any ideas. I’ve uploaded a screenshot that compares Word, PT8 and PT9.

Paratext by (117 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

What is your scaling factor set inside Windows?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

A lot of – but not all – software displays well regardless of scaling factor. Is P9 designed to handle a scaling factor that is not a multiple of 100%?

With a 4k screen I pretty much have to have a scaling factor other than 100%, though I reduced it from Windows’ recommendation (150%, I think) to 133%. I’d check P9 but I have to fix a folder permissions issue first before it’ll run properly.

scaling in Windows is at the recommended 150%. I did change this to 125% and to 100% with no improvement in the fuzziness. I also made manual changes to the high DPI settings via the PT9 shortcut ‘properties>compatibility’ tab, also to no avail.

0 votes

I expected it to handle scaling as well as PT8 - which is why I asked. I know we’ve had users of PT9 use different scaling before and they haven’t complained, but maybe they didn’t notice it get slightly blurry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

You will want to see this thread on the same issue for a possible workaround:

I talked with the Paratext ‘Product Owner’ Glenn about this issue at BT2019. He acknowledged that the interface is noticeably fuzzy, when compared with using it with the registry changes mentioned in the link above.

My recommendation to everyone that feels handicapped by this issue is to submit a ticket, simply telling them that your are affected by the issue, and asking them to bump it up on the priority list.

You can reference my ticket number “Dictionary Text appears blurry (PTXS-19971)” so that they can link the tickets under a single issue.


by (364 points)

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