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If the user opens PT9 twice and changes the verse selection, then the other PT9 instance does not change. Is it expected to operate this way in 9.2?

I checked their settings, and scroll with other programs is enabled.

On my system it works on

Paratext by (1.2k points)

2 Answers

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I find with that the two instances scroll together if “scroll with other programs” is enabled. But if “scroll with other programs” is not enabled, the two instances do not scroll together.

So it surprises me that two instances of 9.2 do not scroll together when scroll with other programs is enabled. Unless scroll with other programs was not enabled in both instances. (If it is not enabled, and you open two instances, then turn on scroll with other programs in one instance, the other instance will still have it turned off.)

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
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With the v9.2 I enabled it and then closed/reopened PT9.2 completely before testing. It didn’t work.

by (1.2k points)

My understanding is that multiple instances are not supported. I am assuming the developers are still on holiday and they might confirm this when they return. I would also add that Open as floating window option was added to allow users to have many more resources open and to use multiple monitors. Have you tried opening the additional resources/projects as floating windows? Maybe that would be sufficient, but I don’t know what it is exactly you are trying to do. If you want a large number of things open, then floating windows can be a lot of work. But once you have everything, the way you want, then floating windows can be part of a saved layout so you would not have to arrange everything again.

You can open/move a resource to a floating window, and then you can open/move other resources and arrange them in that window. I have several saved layouts like that.

Thank you for pointing this out. I didn’t know this was possible, as the floating window does not have a button bar or a main menu (and when multiple panes are floated, they each open in their own window).

But indeed: typing Ctrl+O when the floating window is active will result in the newly opened pane being placed in the floating window, after which they can be rearranged.


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