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I use Win 10 and run PT 7 and 8 and wanted to try the new PT9, but unfortunately my earlier My PT projects are on a drive I cannot reach anymore. The actual programs are on my C drive but the project was moved to another drive (for security reasons), but that is now lost.

So the PT 9 installation does not find the My PT projects as it points to drive K which is not available anymore. I tried to run the PT8 installation again but the same thing happened as it is looking for drive K.

I know the Registry points to the drive K (as I found it there) but I assume if I change the Registry to point to the C drive instead and just creating an empty My PT Projects on the C drive is not enough.

Any ideas are welcome.

Paratext by (105 points)

1 Answer

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From your description, I can’t tell if you actually have any files you are trying to preserve. You seem to say that they were on another drive and are now lost. If you have no data to recover or preserve, then an empty My Paratext 8 Projects folder will be enough.

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


Thanks, dhigby. That worked nicely.

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