0 votes

I am trying to adjust the line spacing of the main title in Print Draft in PrintDraft-mods.sty, because some main titles are longer than a line, and single line spacing is too narrow.
According to PT help, this can be done as follows:
\LineSpacing x
where x = 0 (for single space), 1 (1 1/2 space) or 2 (double space)
However, when I enter one of these values, Print Draft gives an error message “Undefined control sequence” and fails. And when I enter a value in custom.sty instead of PrintDraft-mods.sty, the change is applied correctly in PT, but Print Draft fails in the same way.
How can the line spacing be changed?

Paratext by (505 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Those of us who use XeTeX directly (not through Paratext Print Draft) usually use a command like this in the setup file:

% make sure multi-line \mt1's have enough space between the lines

I imagine if you put this command in your PrintDraft-mods.tex file, that the multi-line spacing in your \mt1 titles will be “different” - maybe not what you want, however. Then you just need to figure out what number to use in the command instead of “22” (which is a multiplier for the FontSizeUnit) to give you the spacing you want.

by (1.4k points)

This works! Thank you, I’d never have figured this out myself.


+1 vote

Most things in XeTeX are in the category of “I’d never have figured this out myself”… :smile:

But there is an email discussion list where you can post your questions and often get help. It is a Google group called tex-typesetting-tools. To subscribe, I think you send an email to:
[Email Removed].org
And then you post a message by sending an email to:
[Email Removed].org

by (1.4k points)

Hi, jeffh,

  I tried to subscribe, but got the message below about needing to

be invited. May I invite an invitation from someone?


0 votes

anon488349 should be added to the list shortly. Other people who are interested in joining the XeTeX list can contact Lorna Evans. Message me privately if you want to contact her but don’t have her address.

by (1.4k points)

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