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L. S.
I work in a 2G location with a maximum of 30kb download speed in good conditions. If I try to connect my laptop to the internet windows 10 generates too much traffic “on the side” to be able to download resources. So I use my android phone if I need to download files. (Android does not create traffic on the side)
I can recall that the paratext . org website had a download possibility (after logging in) for resources. Is this still available ? And if yes can you provide the link?
What I also tried is downloading with ParatextLite on my android phone, but there the complete DBL is presented. What is missing is the " őnly show languages that you are working with" tic box. My question here is where do I write a feature request for paratext lite?
Thanks in advance for your help.

PS I managed to download several resources into ptlite on my android phone. Can anyone tell me where these files are located and how to copy them to a windows PC?

Paratext Lite by (318 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

To write a feature request for Paratext Lite, tap the main menu (in the upper right hand corner of the screen), tap “More…” and then tab “Submit feedback”…

A form will appear that will allow you to report the problem. When you submit the feedback it will be entered into the Paratext Lite issue tracking system.

by [Expert]
(251 points)


Thanks, would you happen to know where the resources are stored on the Android phone ?

Resources are currently stored in internal application data for Paratext Lite which is difficult to access. We would need to make changes for users to be able to easily access them.

ok, I understand. I was finally able to download on my PC via a hotspot. It took about an hour but finally I got the resources.

0 votes

This is no longer available since all resources now come from the DBL.

I’ll let someone else answer the PTLite questions.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

You can copy the appropriate .p8z file from C:\My Paratext 8 Projects_Resources on another computer.

The resource will be accessible by any Paratext user who is a member of an organization with the rights to view that resource.

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Acts 2:46-47
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