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When I created a Back Translation by exporting the Interlinearizer as text my other team members were not able to access the Back Translation. When as advised to add another person (from another team) for user permission then it was accessible by my team members.

However, when after Paratext was deleted and I reinstalled, I was given a note to say that the Back Translation cannot be opened and that I need to download the latest version of the Paratext.
Is this a bug in the software or a configuration problem?

Thanks for your help.

Paratext by (179 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

anon538219, when you first reinstall Paratext 8, it installs version This must be updated in order to view projects that were created or updated with a later version of Paratext. I notice that you are now updated to version so you should be able to access that project.

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

Which version of Paratext do you have installed?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I have Paratext 8

by (179 points)
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