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When I do the verification of numbers, Scripture references are included. These are not viewed as errors when I do the verification of references.

We have entered this formulation for lists of references in the "reference “parameters”, including chapters listed in sequence (we work in French):
“plage de versets” Mat 1.1-3
“liste de versets” Mat 1.1,3
“plage de references” Mat 1.2–3.4
“liste de chapitres” Mat 1.2; 3.4

But this error is repeatedly coming up when I do the verification of numbers, not references:
EXO 1:0 Ponctuation médiale non valide : ||45.17‑20; 47.11),||
LEV 1:0 Ponctuation médiale non valide : ||18.5-6; 19.4)||
NUM 1:0 Ponctuation médiale non valide : ||9.15-23; 10.11-12).||
NUM 1:0 Utilisation non valide du séparateur de milliers : ||12–14; 16–1;, 20; 25),||
DEU 1:0 Utilisation non valide du séparateur de milliers : ||1.6; 10.28; 12.15,29).||
(in the Numbers references, these are chapters)

Paratext by (145 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Are your references marked up in any way in the text (i.e. do they have markers like \xt to separate them from the normal text)?
The Numbers Check will ignore most markers defined as being references and the References Check will only check markers defined as being for references. If they are not marked correctly, then the checks will likely display errors like that.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thank you for noting this. The references that are marked as in error do not have markers like \xt to separate them from the text — they are all in the introductions to the book, within the paragraphs summarizing content, to give the book sections which are being referred to. We use the same marking as for others, but since they are not cross-references, we have not used USFM markers. Should these be used in the introductions? Here is an example (translated to English):
\ip Jacob’s descendants, the Israelites, they had gone to Egypt to save themselves from famine (see Gen 45.17-20; 47.11), and they became a very numerous people there.

Yes, you should mark the references with \xt so it would look like:

Note that if the word “see” is inside of the \xt …\xt* you would need to add this as Extra material in your Scripture reference settings. Or you could just put the \xt after the word “see”.

If you have references after \io markers then you can use the \ior …\ior* to mark the references, but in the \ip you use the \xt…\xt*.

If a reference is marked with the \xt…\xt* then the number check does not look at it.

You can use \xt … \xt*, or if they are part of an introductory outline, you can use \ior … \ior*


Shegnada James

Thanks so much! But when I put in the marker, I get a red x marked there, as though it is not correct: (wéli baa Sél \xt image45.17‑20; image47.11\xt*) Is this a problem?




anon848905, I’m not sure how to just post a question to you, so I put it on the site. I know it is the weekend so if I don’t hear back until Monday I will understand. I just don’t know how long the translator still on the field will let me be “administrator,” and there is something I need to do. This is what I posted:

I wanted to print a test copy (draft, to pdf) of a chapter in Leviticus, after changing the \xt markers to +xt, but the print job was refused due to invalid markers, but I printed it anyway. When I went to the inventory of markers, I found the new markers listed but am not able to check that they are valid.

Thank you!


751 Burlingame St.

Detroit MI 48202




0 votes

Your parameters define a list of chapters as being separated by commas. But all your errors have semicolons. Therefore, you get the errors. You will resolve the errors either by changing the semicolons to commas, or by changing your parameters for “liste de chapitres” to Mat 1.2; 3.4 with the semicolon instead of the comma. Hope that helps.

by (280 points)

Sorry, Ben+Pehrson – I made a mistake by typing the parameters as with a comma. They are entered as using the semi-colon between chapters. When I do the check of references, that is fine. It is when I do the verification of “numbers” that this “error” shows up, as having the wrong medial punctuation.


751 Burlingame St.

Detroit MI 48202


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