+1 vote

Some translation projects do not want to have periods at the end of their footnotes. Simply leaving them off will cause the footnotes to fail the punctuation check. However, there is an optional setting in Paratext that allows you to tell Paratext that it should not apply the punctuation check to footnotes.
How to change the “Check Final Punction in Footnotes” setting

  1. Go to the Project menu > Tools > Checking Inventories > Markers missing final punctuation.
    Markers missing final punctuation-1

  2. Click on the Options button.
    Option button-1

  3. Click on Check Final Punctuation in Footnotes.

  4. Click on the Value dropdown.
    Value dropdown-1

  5. Click on No.
    Click on No-1

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click OK again.

This setting will cause Paratext NOT to run the sentence final punctuation check on footnotes. This means that footnotes without sentence final punctuation (typically a period) will pass the punctuation basic check.

Note: This setting will NOT alert you if some footnotes DO have sentence final punctuation. If you are concerned that your footnotes are inconsistent and that some have sentence final punctuation and others do not, then you will have to check for consistency another way. One good way to do this is to use the footnote checklist. This can be found by going to the Project menu > Tools > Checklists > Footnotes. For a more comprehensive solution see the topic: How to find and delete periods at the end of footnotes - Helps - Paratext Supporter Site

Paratext by [Expert]
(2.9k points)


1 Answer

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Best answer

Thank you, anon044949!

by (296 points)

You are welcome, john_nystrom. I am curious, how common is it in your area to not have sentence final punctuation in footnotes?

In the NIV it is very common to not have sentence final punctuation. There is only sentence final punctuation when the footnote is a sentence.

As people moved eastward,a they found a plain in Shinarb and settled there. (GEN 11:2)

a 11:2 Or from the east; or in the east
b 11:2 That is, Babylonia

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