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I’m getting a basic checks error:

REV 11:3  Invalid medial punctuation: (1 260).»

It is triggered by this text:

... bizgiƴi kotti (1~260).»    \p ...

I have marked that sequence ).» as valid in the punctuation inventory. I have marked non-breaking space (~) as the thousands separator in the number settings. And I don’t have any errors on other numbers, including this text that is very similar to the text showing the error:

... seera o orooruwee bizgiƴi (1~260).    \p ...

So something about the extra quote mark » is triggering this error. Am I missing something in the configuration of checks, or is this a Paratext bug?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

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I run into this problem from time to time, and can usually fix it, but I have a case where the numbers are references, like this:

duroŋ-cɨrɛt (3:14-15).

Paratext is giving me a invalid medial punctuation:

But in the number configuration I have “:” and “-” as medial punctuation:

What is the error in this case?

by (1.4k points)

Ideally any reference should identified with markers as a reference. This could change depending on the location of the reference, but often \xt …\xt* will work. This fails the number check because there are multiple “medial” points (: and -)

I was planning on marking those references, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. That’s interesting that you can only have one medial point. What if you wanted to (for some reason) have something like a date: “1/10/2022”? If you are in fact restricted to only one medial point, the guide should make mention of that.

And I thought you were somehow smiling at me at the end of your post… (: and -)

It may not be entirely accurate to say that you can’t have two medial points, but I believe that Paratext is trying to determine what is a valid number. References get handled completely separate from other types of numbers.
I have a language that does millions like this: 1’000,000. The number check currently doesn’t handle this correctly since it only recognizes one punctuation for thousands/millions.

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The “medial punctuation” error was somewhat misleading. I finally found that adding the » to the “final punctuation” field of the numbers settings fixes the problem!

by (211 points)
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Just to confirm, adding » to the Final Punctuation field in the Number Settings does indeed make this error go away. Thanks, anon703820!

It would be nice if the developers could figure out how to produce a more helpful error message when this error comes up. Thanks for considering it.

by (1.4k points)

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